LNI’s Journey with the Canon Colorado M-series Digital Printer

In the dynamic realm of industrial printing, every new technological leap represents not just progress, but a profound opportunity for innovation and growth.

At Luna Nameplate Industries, a leading name in product branding and industrial labelling, the recent acquisition of a cutting-edge Canon Colorado M-series digital printer has ignited a wave of excitement and anticipation throughout our organisation.

Innovation arrives

Imagine the scene: after meticulous planning and careful consideration, the day finally arrives when the sleek, state-of-the-art Canon Colorado M-series digital printer (‘the Canon’) is delivered to our production facility here in Melbourne. Its arrival isn't just the addition of a new piece of equipment; it's the dawn of a new era in our commitment to delivering high-quality branding solutions.

Energising the team

The atmosphere within Luna Nameplate Industries transformed instantly. Our design teams, production specialists, and quality control experts gathered around the new printer, their eyes gleaming with curiosity and enthusiasm as the rather large box was delivered. They eagerly discussed its high-definition capabilities, the versatility of substrates it can handle, and the vibrant colour gamut it offers.

Unleashing potential

The true impact of this advanced printing solution begins to unfold as our teams undergo comprehensive training sessions provided by Canon experts. They absorb every detail, from mastering the printer's advanced software to optimising print settings, ensuring they are fully prepared to leverage the machine's full potential.

Driving innovation

Beyond the immediate excitement, we foresee substantial long-term benefits from the new Canon printer. It's not just about enhancing our production efficiency or expanding our capabilities - though these are pivotal goals. It's about pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve creatively, delivering intricate designs, vibrant colours, and durable finishes that exceed our customers' expectations.

A Commitment to Quality

At LNI, our commitment to quality craftsmanship has always been our guiding principle. With the introduction of the new Canon printer, we are poised to elevate our standards even further. Every branding and labelling solution that leaves our facility will embody the meticulous attention to detail and technological sophistication that define our brand.

Looking ahead

As LNI looks to the future, we envisage a landscape where innovation continues to drive our industry forward. The Canon printer is not just a technological upgrade—it's a strategic investment in our ability to lead the market in high-end branding and industrial labelling solutions. It symbolises our dedication to continuous improvement and unwavering commitment to excellence.

Join us on the journey

As LNI embarks on this exciting new chapter with our new printing technology, we invite you to join us. Stay connected as we share updates on our projects, insights into the latest advancements in digital printing technology, and stories of how innovation shapes the future of industrial printing.

The arrival of the Canon Colorado M-series digital printer isn't just a milestone—it's a testament to our passion for innovation and our belief in the limitless possibilities of digital printing. Together, let's redefine what's possible in branding and industrial labelling solutions.

Partner with the experts

LNI's expertise, custom solutions, and commitment to quality make them a leader in the field. All LNI’s products are designed and manufactured here in Australia. For more information on LNI's range of products and to discuss specific requirements, please contact us, request a quote or request a sample here.


12 Questions to ask before buying a product branding solution - download from LNI


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